Hội thao cuối năm 2020


Tien Tuan would like to send our sincere congratulations to the Pharmacists on World Pharmacist Day September 25, 2021.

“On Covid-19 prevention and maintaining business activities for customers and partners”

Tien Tuan donated 200 million dong to the Covid-19 vaccine fund of Vietnam.

On June 23, the entire collective of officers and employees of Tien Tuan Pharmaceutical Machinery Co. Ltd was deployed to vaccinate against COVID-19.

Mini game fun quiz with prizes about Tien Tuan on the occasion of the Grand Celebration of the Liberation of the South on 30/4/1975 and International Labor Day on 1/5
The contest runs from 27/04/2021 to 14/05/2021 with a special prize worth 1 MILLION DONG for the player with the correct and lucky answer.

The staff at Tien Tuan are continuously trained and improved in professional skills through international standard training programs - Action Coach - USA

Tiệc Tất Niên 2021 và trao giải thưởng thi đấu.