1. Tien Tuan Pharmaceutical Machinery Co. Ltd (called TTP) is a manufacturer of high quality machinery and equipment for pharmaceutical industry, always looking for a source of high quality goods and services globally serving our production and business activities.

  2. When choosing Suppliers, we always choose Suppliers that comply with the law, are sustainable and ethical in business. In their day-to-day dealings, our suppliers must be fair and impartial without any form of fraud or dishonesty in their relationships with the TTP personnels whom they work with. Suppliers must be held accountable for their compliance, fairness and integrity.

  3. In case the Supplier or the Supplier's employees do not comply with the commitments signed with TTP, TTP has the right to terminate all commercial relationships with that Supplier, and such Supplier must compensate for all damages to TTP including fully refund of damages.

  4. In case TTP's purchasing staff does not comply with commitments when making purchases, TTP will apply appropriate internal sanctions, depending on the severity of the violation, from reprimand to dismissal and compensation for the damage.


  1. Do not allowed to offer, promise, grant or accept personal benefits in exchange for a preferential position in transactions.

  2. Do not suggest personal benefits in transactions with TTP purchasing staff.

  3. All Supplier employees are not allowed to propose any benefits to TTP's purchasing staff.

  4. Do not give TTP purchasing staff any material benefits, including but not limited to money, commissions, discounts, gifts, trips, products, vouchers, or coupons. discount, …

  5. Do not invite TTP employees to eat, drink, go out, travel, ...

  6. Do not promote or pressure in any form, including but not limited to, promising bonuses, commissions, or any other benefits for TTP employees to order in larger quantities than needed, at higher prices than reality, or prioritize buying when the need arises.


  1. No corruption: In dealings with Suppliers, the company's interests must come first. Actions and decisions (purchasing) must be made independently considering the company's interests, without personal interests influencing them.

  2. Respect the principle of equal and unbiased treatment of Suppliers under equal competitive conditions with products and services of the same quality, same price and same sales and delivery conditions.

  3. Do not accept or keep gifts, money or any benefits in kind of any kind from suppliers of goods and services.

  4. There are no requirements to any third party regarding benefits or preferences of any kind from transactions carried out for the benefit of TTP or from preferences given to such third parties.

  5. Do not favor or disadvantage any Supplier of goods or services if doing so may create favoritism or violate ethics, especially because of personal or family relationships or similar reasons.

  6. In terms of advantages derived from your position, do not associate with other individuals inside or outside the company to provide goods and services to the company or to the company's customers.

  7. Immediately report to the Board of General Directors when the following arise:

    7.1 When a Supplier violates one or more of the contents in the commitment to TTP.

    7.2 When a supplier bribes or threatens or exerts influence on the part of one of the Suppliers of goods and services.

    7.3 When detecting other purchasing staff violating this commitment (this information will be kept confidential by TTP).


  1. This Code of Conduct is considered a legal agreement. All provisions in these regulations must also comply with Vietnamese laws and regulations.

  2. If you have any questions or need any clarification regarding a situation or relationship discussed in this Supplier Code, TTP may be contacted atEmail:

  3. This Code of Conduct takes effect from the date of signing and is retroactive if evidence of violation is discovered.

Ho Chi Minh city, 05th July 2024

Managing Director


Vu Anh Tuan
